Over the last several weeks we've been posting pictures of some of our successful businesswomen. These pictures show the end product of a long process - successful small businesses.
But NVI's real strength is in the process that goes ahead of this - training that transforms minds, hearts, and perspectives. This is a picture of some of "our" women in Western Kenya going through our training module on Managing Business Money. Most of these women have not completed beyond 6th grade, nor do they speak either English or Swahili. But they have good business sense nonetheless - they just need a little guidance. NVI has been able to use/develop training geared to their level of training and experience, as well as to previously train a local Kenyan who speaks their own tribal language. So here we have a group of women learning things that will improve their businesses and their lives, that were previously unavailable to them. Thank you, Lord! If you wish to help others start small businesses to get out of poverty, please consider donating to this initiative at https://www.newvinesintl.org/fund-a-new-small-business.html